• Discovering Your DiSC Style
    • Understanding Other Styles
    • Building More Effective Relationships
    • Optional People-Reading Module


Consistently thought-provoking, Work of Leaders stimulates fresh conversations and perspectives regardless of the leader’s knowledge or experience. It’s an opportunity for leaders at all levels of learning to reflect on how they approach each step of their work. In addition, Work of Leaders encourages reflection and discussion about the team and the organization.

In-depth: Everything DiSC Workplace Profile, facilitation, and video all provide real-world tips and practical strategies for building a better workplace.

Precise: Everything DiSC Workplace uses adaptive testing—an interactive assessment process that tailors questions based on an individual’s responses—to give participants the most precise DiSC style assignment possible.

Exciting follow-up tools: Everything DiSC Comparison Reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences.

Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators provides more detailed data about a participant’s Everything DiSC assessment.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Report provide a composite of a group’s DiSC styles and inlcudes participant names. English only. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC Group Culture Report helps determine a group’s DiSC culture and its effect on group members. English only. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC Team View provides an at-a-glance view of any group’s individual Everything DiSC maps.


Everything DiSC Workplace® is classroom training that combines engaging facilitation and video with online prework and follow-up tools to create a personalized learning experience.

Using a research-validated learning model, participants understand and appreciate the styles of people they work with.

The result is more effective and productive working relationships.

Interested? contact us!